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Saturday, October 8, 2016

Tommy's Fantasy, A spanking from Marilyn Monroe.

My fantasy, being a teenager in the 50's and 60's,  I was in love with many movie stars.  Also already being a very happy spankee by that time, I usually fantasized being spanked by these stars.  I  never missed a Marilyn Movie .  I dreamed of being in a movie with her that called for her to put me over her knee and give me a good spanking.   I  know it would never happen but I did have that dream often.
          I drew this picture in rough form, from a picture in the early seventies , from a Last Photo shoot article in one of the News magazines of the time.   Only recently did I find the picture again and finshed the drawing...
          I state right now , that I have always had the greatest respect for Marilyn Monroe.  I would never say that this drawing is of her spanking.  it is a drawing of my personal fantasy.  it was not in any way her fantasy  at all.

           It is not a young picture of Marilyn.  it was form a last Photo shoot  group of pictures.  i found the picture on line and cut out the head shoat of Marilyn i used.  she was older than most pictures and it was taken only a few months before she died... I don;t know if any ever tried, besides me of course, to find a picture of her that showed her slightly upset when the picture was snapped.  anyhow, it was the picture that fir my fantasy.  i still some times dream of this fantasy.  I hope you enjoy the drawing and please feel free to leave comments.


  1. I was eight when Marilyn died, but I always thought she was beautiful. Later of course, I had other fantasies about her. I was a bit younger than you but still imagined a spanking from her...

  2. Goodness me.I never thought someone else thought about M.Monroe as I did. When I saw her the movie Niagara I craved to go across her knee.

  3. I love Tommys drawings. They are not perfect by any means but they portray sexual arousal for wanting to be across the females knee.

  4. I ma still amazed that someone thinks as I do about M.Monroe. I wonder how many other guys are out there with the same thoughts about being across her knee.I shall watch this blog more often now.

  5. i have had fantasy's of many movie and tv stars. also prominent women of the world. actually i have the female spanking bug so bad that even a trip tpo the local super market i find many women that inspire thoughts of being over their knees also,. i started drawing female spanking male drawings when i was 12 years old. my mom discoverrd a drawing pad of them when i was 13. she never spanked me again after finding it. she talked to me for a while about it and she decided to spank me no more. however as i had a lot of young lady friends and and aunt and a cousin who loved to spank me i still managed to be spanking happy. I am sorry that for the past three months i have been not active, it just seems that from november to the end of december is a very busy time in my for real life. i should have more posts coming soon as i have some that are almost ready. thank you for your comments.

  6. Reading your comments re going to the supermarket my thoughts are exactly the same as yours.I met my wife in a supermarket and shewas working the checkout.The way she was sat made me have this overwhelming desire to be across her knee.i didn't want normal sex with her.All I wanted was to be across her knee.How lucky I was to find a woman who would spank me regularly across her knee.
